I'm in the middle of a breakup (an engagement) and

I'm in the middle of a breakup (an engagement) and feel sick most of the day.
I'm 5 months sober and he is a practicing alcoholic that refuses help. I know this is for the best but it sure hurts.
Any advice from some who are or have gone through this would be much appreciated.


No matter what situation we go threw. No matter it being a break up, death of a loved one, whatever hardship you go threw in life. We now have to feel our feelings, and go threw it sober. I know it hurts, but just keep reaching out, talk to your sponsor if you have one. And all I can say is it will get better. I was in a 7 year relationship, that ended because she didn't want help with her addiction, and I did trust me I get it. Sorry your going threw this, but it does get better. I promise.

I am one of nine boys!!!! And I am the only one that is in recovery. I had to separate myself from people, places and things. That was the only way that I could get clean and sober.

By God’s grace through the fellowship working the steps working with a sponsor working with Sponsee. Having a home group and doing service work I just celebrated 23 years cleaning sober.

So please give yourself a break and work on you. And your life will get so much better 

I heard at a meeting, "sometimes we have to step over the bodies". It sounded super harsh, but I'm reminded of and thinking of the fact that nothing that anyone said or did could have made me want to quick drinking. I also understand that I could have never maintained longer-term sobriety without separating myself from people in my life in active addiction/alcoholism. I had to make sobriety my priority, and hold onto it for dear life. For me, to drink is to die as this is a progressive, fatal illness. You're doing the right thing, as we cannot help those who do not want help (another harsh lesson I've had to learn through my brief 23 months of continuous sobriety). I had to dive into AA, and the fellowship that the program offers, and then follow the suggestions of those who came before me who had experienced the exact same things that I had experienced. :pray:t2::heart: Praying for you!

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Thank you all!

I’m in the same space. Break ups suck. I just lean on my sponsor and home group. Hiya from Tacoma

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Hi from Mukilteo :wave:

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I had to completely cut her out of my life. She is still drinking and living a drunks life. I cannot watch her kill her self any longer, breaks my heart to be honest. Moving on has been difficult.

Exactly! Watching them fall into the rabbit hole would be too hard to witness!
Thank you

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Of course friend! I didn’t want to leave her, she has abandonment issues due to her drinking and I felt so guilty that I was making it worse by leaving. My sponsor told me to weigh the pros and cons of staying in a romantic relationship with her. I would fall back into the roll of protector, or actually enabler which would take me away from the program. It’s a process, it hurts, my focus has to be on the 1st 164 pages, my step work, service work, and learning.

Thanks for that