Im just so freaking sad all the time and i

Im just so freaking sad all the time and i feel like shit all the time but i still cant stop using. Wtf ia wrong with me!


Why do I think u use ?

Hey Iā€™m a super sad person too and if you want to ever PM me we can work through it together

Yea when i dont have any fun with it and i feel like total shit becaise of it. Why

Kristina, I am somewhat in the same boat. I can't see to stop using neither. And dont even enjoy it when I do use. Its mentally exhausting. Are you ok? Why are you sad? We should talk. Let me bask in your light.

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Hi Kristina. I'm sorry you're going through this cycle.

Do you have a therapist you can speak to about your feelings?

Physical exertion is how I temper that

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Nothing wrong with you your a sick person who can recover if you do certain things

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That's what addicts do. We believe escaping will help us. It doesn't work. One thing I have found is calling someone before using is the best thing. Saying I feel like getting piss-assed drunk takes the power away. I can be honest with another alcoholic and cry and scream and yell if necessary. It takes away the power of wanting to use.

And I agree with Ridge. Exercise. I'm a dancer and singer. Tap dancing gets out my frustrations and makes me feel happier. And if I have to walk after that or run, I do that as well to expend as much energy as I can.

Same :pensive:

ThT what was told me how Sad, if I reflect on that side it can get worse, depression is a MFer, I use God ,hope ,Love and faith, just smiling can do it sometimes, spring is coming winter was hard

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