Im keeping myself extremely busy to keep my mind in a healthy place cuz I'm struggling with my addictions today
Thanks for sharing. Ya staying busy helps but I also need to do my step work. Step work, prayer, meditation and service really helps my peace of mind. Balance is the key but can be challenging.
I’m here if you want to talk
Thank you Danny your input,you're right I've been keeping busy but I forgot to work on my tools and meditate so with that being said I've made a daily planner
You reached out and that took courage. Through the ups and through the downs and no matter what comes your way you got the strength to keep pushing forward.
Deborah I’m always glad to be of service. I’m here if you ever want to talk
Forsure, thank you
How are you doing? If you like to talk about what you're struggling with feel free to dm me.
You’ve got this! Keep going and we’re rooting for you
Hi! Good job keeping yourself busy. I suggest journaling how you feel or trying some yoga. Yoga is an amazing way to move your body and meditate at the same time.