I'm new to this

It's not really the fear of quitting its the fear of failing. I don't want to tell my friends or family until I'm absolutely sure. I'm more scared of failing myself and drinking when I know it's not doing me any good. Does anyone else feel this way??


I've learned if you do something in good faith, you can never truly "fail". The worse failure has to be in not trying at all.

So what, you make it a day sober? A week/month whatever that amount of time is, you're still going to be better off than not even trying.

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You don’t have to tell your friends. Do this for yourself!!

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Realizing that there is no benefit to drinking alcohol, and that we've been duped by alcohol companies and society to think there was can help with this. All the things we thought were benefits from alcohol are illusions, starting from that feeling of relief at the first sip/swig; alcohol takes 6 minutes or so to get to the brain, so that feeling is placebo. Removing the desire to drink by realizing that there is not reason to drink eliminates the mental tug of war, and we can stay sober and begin to rebuild and grow.


Thank you. I'll try it's just hard when there is so much pressure.

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Sounds like you have some very smart supportive friends.