Im only 3hrs off a comedown. I want to be

im only 3hrs off a comedown. I want to be sober, I’m really struggling not to pick up my substances. I don’t have a consistent good support system, I’m not sure where to start looking for one. I don’t think I can do this alone.


Hey Haylee.

You got this.
Download the AA and NA apps and get to a meeting on
The regular; or not ?


You don’t have to be alone

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Hey, I can reach out to you through DM’s and we can chat?

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Super smart to not do it alone👍
Daily in person meetings, getting phone numbers from sober people and actually communicating with them daily is a way to start building your support team.
I’ll friend request you now. We can talk anytime

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You got this, we are here to help and offer our support, strength and hope. It’s not easy, but taking it a minute or hour at a time. Easy does it. Much love


You live in an area where there are plenty of in person meetings. You don’t have to lie to yourself and go to zoom meetings, or use an app like this, and think that you’re going to get the support that you need when you are this fragile. Put yourself out there and go to a meeting in person in your area. You’re only alone until we walk through that door.


No joke. I am on my almost 3dd hour too. Gonna see how to message u🥺🩷


Good morning Haylee I’m so proud of you. You’ve already started you reached out. You stated where you are. There are a bunch of wonderful women here that can share their experience strength and hope with you.

Also there is a bunch of men here that have a lot of strength and hope to share as well.

We are so glad you were here keep coming back

I hope you’re doing okay! Let me know if you ever want to talk or vent!

Welcome back and you’re not alone and don’t have to this alone. Maybe start with meetings?

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You don’t have to do this alone. Here’s a list of meetings in your area: Meetings Archive -

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You never have to use again. Na meetings are a great idea. In person or on zoom. Speak out about how you are doing. Or talk to someone in this thread. One day at a time my friend.


You got this babe. Here if you need a friend

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Hang in there Haylee!! You are NOT alone!!

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After 12 years of continuous relapse cycles, and 18 years of addiction, I finally took AA seriously quite recently. I was still detoxing when I went into the meeting, only 4 days clean and sober, and for once I didn’t feel like it was stupid and I was too cool. I was lucky someone chose me to share, but as awful as it is, speak when they ask. Women will surround you with support and get you numbers. I suggest saving the meeting name with their name and phone number so you can differentiate because you will get a lot of numbers in your first few meetings. I really like the advice “take what you need, leave what you don’t”
Leave all this advice if you want :woman_shrugging:t2: we’ve all been where you are right now, I hope knowing that helps

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Please immediately look up Annie Grace on Google … she is amazing & can totally HELP you!!! I borrowed her book for free from the library & it’s VERY enlightening!!! It’s called This Naked Mind. I borrowed her 2nd book called The 30 Day Alcohol Experiment & realized after 30 days that I didn’t even miss alcohol. I went back to drinking after 8.5 months alcohol free due to peer pressure but am starting to be alcohol free again!! You can download the “This Naked Mind Companion App” on your phone for free. Annie Grace is the BEST!!! She delves into the science & is all about compassion so please stop beating yourself up‘non💜

You can do it and you don’t have to be alone. Find a group or join an online meeting.

Hang in there

You don't have to don't this alone, glad you're here! Deep down inside, what do you want to do?