I'm really struggling to stay sober today for the first time in a long time, and I've realized I have no one to talk to about it. I just need some words of encouragement from my brothers and sisters.
Well what my sponsor says is this to shall pass and when it does and it will you’ll be a better and stronger human ok some of that was me
My mental health is struggling overall, I'm either depressed or completely numb at this point.
Reach out if you need to. I struggle too.
Make sure you're getting enough sunlight each day. Eat as good & healthy as u can. As the other gentlemen said stay active exercise even a little helps. Those are the things I've used to battle depression. If it is too severe u may need meds. Remember why you're sober as they say play the tape through how did it always end up when u weren't sober. You got this! One other suggestion I would recommend for some encouragement if you haven't already read it check out what Bill Wilson wrote on emotional sobriety it's a short read but it's great. Best of luck to you keep your head up
You can talk to us about it ! I use journaling a lot when I’m unsure why I’m feeling a certain way. I also have a psychiatrist who is great and super reliable. You Can get through this. You have all of us cheering you on ! Much love, reach out if you need.
Be kind to yourself. Don't push yourself too hard and remember to prioritize you and your mental and physical health now. You can get thru this! You've done it before and can do it again.
Stay strong, occupy by your brain with positive thoughts, maybe hit a meeting.
Check list
I’ve got over 3 years and struggle too. Not with relapse but with the thing you mentioned, people to talk to. The meetings help but it’s still hard. Hang in there.
Keep pushing through it. If you need someone to chat with, available