I'm slipping

I'm slipping

Hi. Whats up? I am here to listen, none of that other nonsense you had here before.

I have probably been through a similar thing and am here to empathize if you want.

It is so hard to decipher what is real and not

I am so very sad

What is it that is hard to figure out?

You can dm if more comfortable or here is fine.


Erik y?

I cut myself again. Its been 2 years

:disappointed: sorry. Do you need immediate assistance??

No ty just ty 4 listening

R u real?

I guess that really would never trick an android

I am real as they come, and if you are bleeding maybe you should contact someone who can help is all I am saying.

Ok ty

Why are you so down?

Lol the next guy ….over…:face_with_hand_over_mouth:… r u prior service perchance?

I'm not down. I am angry.

And that is y I am sad and that is y i am mad and that is y I am sad and that is y I am mad

No service. What u mad about?

I am hurting and I am not a victim and I am hurting and I am no victim and we hurt and we are all victims