I'm sorry but I will never ever trust a bartender

I'm sorry but I will never ever trust a bartender ever again in my life. THEY DON'T GET IT.

When somebody says mocktail It means non-alcoholic!. I'm done with them!!:triumph::rage:

That sucks. Are you ok?

Yes thank you for asking I felt like crap today had a huge stomach ache but I'm pushing through it still maintaining my teachings from Alan Carr.. I'm still on the clear path

Hang in there. I’m sure you feel like murdering her but you can’t do that lol

What are you going to do with a degree in history?

Right now I'm at a k-12 school as a teacher's assistant and the plan is to become a history high school teacher

That’s awesome. I wanted to be a history professor. I love that shit. I’m an accountant. Don’t ask me why :blush:

Good luck. Do what you love man :raised_hands:t2:

I'm just helping I feel better in the next 2 days I feel completely devastated by this negligent restaurant

You have to feel better.

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Ahhhhh, why you at a bar to begin with? Just saying. Not bartenders fault. You put yourself in that situation to begin with. Their jobs are to serve alcohol. Ergo….a bar.


Steven... Im throwing a penalty flag as well. I believe I’ve been in a similar situation... immediately ALL the lights came on in my cranium and got my self the hell outta the situation. O2-28-2OO2

They say if trying to not drink, especially early to not go to bars.
The expression I’ve heard is: if you hang around the barber shop sooner or later you’ll get a haircut.

If you ask for a soda it's their job to serve you a soda. Period. I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if a restaurant served you something you didn't ask for.

True Amanda. I’m just old school. My bad. Don’t understand this mocktail stuff or non alcoholic drinks. They may say no alcohol yet if you read the ingredients still have it in. I just don’t tempt myself with situations like this. Sorry. And I would only ask for a coke or water if in a bar environment. New world I guess

I respect the opinion to stay away from mocktails, ya know. I guess I am irate on behalf of the OP. I feel that alcohol was pushed down his throat so to speak. The world lacks respect for those who choose not to drink. I could be wrong (and I hope I am)- but this doesn't sound like an accident.

Just don’t think it’s fair to blame the bartender when we put ourselves in compromising situations. Big part of recovery is taking responsibility for our mistakes.

Half measure avail use nothing.being sober dose not mean i can drink any time.even fake drinks.going halfway.