I'm struggling with my meth addiction

The longest I've gone is 6 months clean , when I use my biggest failure is becoming irresponsible and uncommitted to my employment to where I end up losing my job , my family has pretty much abandoned me for my using , I want to stop I know it's taking from me but I just don't know how to stop :stop_sign: I feel lonely I feel numb ,lost , I know it's all my fault ..


Hello Rafael, how are you doing brother have you got to a meeting? Do you have sober supports near you? 


No sir I have not , I really should go to one maybe that would help but honestly I just feel like I don't stand a chance


Stop you do stand a chance ! I thought the same thing at a point in time , but i hope you’re okay. “ big hugs “ one thing I tell myself is to stop beating myself up so bad

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Thank you Mr Dakota thank you for your words I'm just lost right now I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel I know God is with me I appreciate

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You are so welcome message me anytime . Your not alone just remember that always you have people that support you

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It has truly changed my life. I hope you give it a try.

Thank you for your kind words Mr Dakota your amazing thank you

God ain't doing shït for you. If such an entity was doing anything for you, you wouldn't be addicted to meth.

You gotta do something different, because belief alone is doing nothing for you. Need to go to "a meeting"? Nah, you should probably post up at every meeting you can get to. Get phone numbers of other guys who know what you're going through, that can help.you through this.

Maybe rehab first?