I'm struggling with the concept of being alone. I am

I'm struggling with the concept of being alone. I am not alone, I have my fellowship. But I miss my people. The ones I drove away due to my drinking.i know I'll see them again in time but I want them here helping me through this. One day at a time


It's hard to get everyone back. But it happens. You'll earn it and it will be great for you!


I've heard here that it's more meaningful and rewarding to get things back slowly, one step at a time. I wish you and your relationships complete healing.


Thank you

Stay strong positive

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I feel that way too. I want everything to happen now. Say look at me I’m not that guy anymore. I miss everyone so much.

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That sounds a lot like guilt, shame and remorse, go to your meetings, you can't save your face and your behind at the same time, the thought of embarrassment will pass as you get back into your meetings, you'll find people can be very forgiving if they see you are honestly trying
Plus it will show some growth in your recovery.


Julie, I totally understand and feel for you. I had to stay sober and work my program for awhile. Then everyone that I made amends to came back. It took a little while.
Are you working with a Sponsor?

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I suggest you work the steps on why you want them back in your life.
I’m certain it would help.


Yes I have an amazing Sponsor



I miss you