I'm struggling with trying to stay sober while stressing about not having a job, being a parent, staying with my parent in active addiction and life in general. I feel like throwing my over 100 days away
Do you know thr away your hundred days believe me I know the feeling it’s a horrible one you have to remember when you’re doing the right thing God will open up doors you never knew possible for Seattle believe in yourself the rest will follow
Thank you I'm still staying strong
Trust the process. I don’t like to use the cliché; “god can’t give us more than we can handle” but it is true. My last 8 months has been rough - divorce, work stress, lost my truck, got bit by a rabid animal (the 7 shots were the worst!), and my father had a heart attack. You will get through it. Find the inner strength because you are worth the growth and new opportunities. Nothing should have the power to take away your 100 days. Be strong.
Thank you Mike I needed to hear this