I'm struggling

I'm struggling ..... I just want to relax and go to bed :pensive:


Some times that is a good solution. Tare some rest and come at it refreshed

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I cant sleep i think cold turkey was a bad ideal

You may go through a few days of tooth-grinding and utterly poor sleep. Don't give up. We will be in control of our lives again.

I feel maybe I'm just not ready. Still just laying hereā€¦.and im angry and sad

I think its normal to feel that way. I want to go get something, too, but the craving is easier than the caving.

I think we have to get used to what I call ā€œthe feelsā€all over again. All the stuff we crushed with our substance of choice.

We can overcome this. It ain't going to be pretty for a couple weeks.

Hey @lost91654 how are you doing?

I fellā€¦ picking myself back up again.. idk how to even do this anymore

Its ok to fall as long as we get back up. How have you stayed sober in the past?

Day 1 is getting oldā€¦

The thing about day 1 is it is like going to the gym and jumping into the weight routine. At first you ach and feel like crap but eventually you make some headway. Keep working you can do it.

I've never had an issue with drinking till the past year n a halfā€¦ I always just socially drank and it was nbd, and it gradually became to a daily thing idk how it even happened. Im working 16 hours today and have a lot to think about. I got to clear my head and find a focus and game plan. My family and I need this

Rooting for you. You can do this!

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Thanks, I know I can I litterly am just destroying myself.

I never thought I'd have this much of an issueā€¦ its not meā€¦who I amā€¦ I don't know who this person is.

Iā€™ve been there. We get to a point where we canā€™t take anymore and surrender. It sounds like thatā€™s where youā€™re at

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I just pray for the strength to do this alone. I have no one here and it sucks

I know 12-step programs arenā€™t for everyone but its a great start and is a really easy way to get community. Would you be open to choosing an online meeting to check out today?

I'm at work for 16h today. So here till midnight

Sometimes the struggle would remind me of the pain that I was in when I kicked. I struggled a lot in the beginning. Just surrender o win.