I'm very happy alone as well
I do have girlfriends and it's nice to be a friend with a guy as well I fellowship at church and in my private life as well I just miss that brother kinda feeling slash friend
Good Luck it’s a jungle out there!
Being alone is better than being miserable! You will find happiness. I’m just like u. I want it now!!!
I feel you and I understand that it’s a LOT of people that are lonely now. I think people dating today are giving mixed signals on dating apps etc. Example she may say she’s lonely but then say I’m fine been alone. I totally agree with you Crystal about someone understanding addiction, I want a lady that don’t smoke cigarettes or drink. And able to communicate her thoughts clearly. And to put a cherry on top of my list I would like for her and I to date for at least a year.
One reason why I stopped using dating apps it’s people that are in there addiction and are comfortable and they entertain too many people example they probably on average talk to 12 or more people a day. I would like to know how many serious people have they passed over that was interested in a serious friendship? I’m happy working on my recovery and I’m leaving it in Gods hands. Oh yea this old saying goes like.. He who finds a good woman finds a good thing I don’t believe in it anymore. Thank you Crystal I needed to get that out it was something that I needed to release.
K wait it's not like I need someone today no I have the most beautiful person in my life Christ Jesus his my greatest hope but I was just going through stuff and it wasn't a big deal I know that my recovery as well is a huge part in my life I do volunteer in church I did my steps with my part time sponsor I have two jobs I'm independent but thank you again for sharing your thoughts
I hope I didn’t say anything out the way with my thoughts and I hope I’m not taking your text out of context. But you made me thought of somethings that I had on my mind that would rise up to the surface from time to time and you did help me. After I spoke it out I felt better. Thank you again for your help.
I loved your honesty and forwardness as well as your experience in life your journey is remarkable and no need worries I love all your feedbacks that's what makes me want more in my recovery and my faith
Crystal I won’t say anything out the way on Loosid to anyone I need everyone on here from time to time. Everyone that read my post know that I’m trying to be a better person and practicing empathy. To those who deserve it.
Thank you Crystal I love you as my Loosid sister you are the best!
Greatly appreciated you thank you for being apart of my road to recovery much love and aloha
The right person is waiting for you.
I understand that 100%. Hope you find that person. I’m in the same boat lol.
I feel you. I get lonely and crave connection, fellowship, and friendship. You’ll find that person that understands your sobriety and loves to do the same hobbies as you. I have faith in that for you! God bless.
All you have to do is look up.
Thank you
Thank you greatly appreciate
I might not be close but I'm always a message away. Hi, new friend!