Aloha sweetie thank you
Are there local groups you can join to meet folks who do these things?
It's nice to have your life together to be able to do things like that. Meetup is a good site for hobbies (app for that?). You'd be a joy for anyone to hang with, I'm certain. Be strict when choosing pals. Build lifelong friendships. 🩵
Thank you
Kauai Hawaii is so limited with this kinda groups your best bet is to go to the gym and workout but I do things in church I volunteer and keep busy by the way I've heard good things about meetup as well thanks Jay for your response
It can take a while or tomorrow. I thought that journey would be a long time, but in my life, it turned out to be the one who helped me gain strength and get clean. Now she has relapsed, and now im helping her gain the strength to maintain sobriety. Focus on yourself, and God will start to move things in your life.
Thank you