In my head today

I can’t get out! It’s like, there’s nothing wrong. Nothing. I have 6 days free of the devil himself, a nice house, couple cars, healthy kids, little bit of money. My mom is still alive and kicking (literally my ONLY family) and she helps a lot. But then there’s this….. something. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it just lingers around. Has anyone else noticed this or am I crazy? (I am a little cray, but isn’t that all of us lol)


Congratulations on your choice of a better life. I’m very proud of you Sister!

We’re all mad here said the cat… kidding. Great to have you here. That little voice is always there for me. I know the feeling

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We’re all cray cray that’s why we are here :joy::joy:…. Totally normal what you’re going thru. Just work a program and that little voice will be contained​:pray:


Kids lol. Devil is always lingering

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this is what i did in early sobriety (and still do it now if i am stuck or pissed, etc.)… i sing “come on, eileen” while doing jumping jacks. yes, it is weird and stupid, but it works!


Welcome to club! Smart move on sharing. That’s one of the many reasons why our sober community is so important. We support and understand each other. Lean on us, we gotchoo🤗