Is it a relapse if it’s only been a few

Is it a relapse if it’s only been a few days since I even committed to getting sober? Or have I just not started yet? Feeling disappointed in myself.


Hi Tamara, I don’t think it matters what you call it, as long as you keep trying. Stay connected and keep moving forward. I know I had to get away from everything to finally make progress and learn how to deal with daily life and feeling. Rehab really helped me, even though I didn’t want to leave my family. Now I can actually be here for my family.


Disappointment is common, but crush it with the resolve and actions of being free from the slavery of addiction! If you look deep enough, you'll realize that alcohol has no benefit as a drink despite what society and the companies who make it and sell it tell you. When you leave that poison behind you are losing nothing, rather gaining more of what this life has in it. Regroup, recharge, and f yeah.


Never quit quitting. There will be stumbling blocks but don’t let that deter you from sobriety. :heart:


Agree with Chris—I’d focus less on the terminology and more on your broader goals and recovery! You’ve got this!


Don’t give it another chance if it’s disappointing. keep your head up and look forward to a better life sober


One day at a time, easier said than done, I have failed, relapsed and kept on believing that I can refrain from using alcohol, the addiction is real. Don't give up


The disappointment feeling is because you want to be sober and it’s so hard to get sober but you can do this just pick yourself up and keep trying


All any of us have is today.
Just don’t drink one day at a time.


Great comments. Your journey is yours to be defined however you see fit. Keep showing up. That's what matters.


This is such a healthy, true and great way to look at it. For certain this is what my own journey has looked like.

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Someone in my IOP said that if we're on a road trip and we get a flat tire, we don't turn around and go home, We change the tire, and we keep going.