Is there such thing as "dope sick" from cocaine? I

Is there such thing as "dope sick" from cocaine? I feel like if I don't have it for a night or two, I start feeling a ton of anxiety and extreme discomfort in my body.


I hate to be the one to tell you this but most coke now a days has fentanyl in it. Dealers do that to keep you hooked. It’s hard to find any drug sold on the street now that is not mixed with benzos or some type of opiate. This is probably why you are feeling this way. I would do a take home test and see what you test positive for. Maybe it will help you understand that the market now a days doesn’t care about what they are giving you as long as you keep coming back. Please be careful especially if benzos are in it because that can cause seizures

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If you’re doing any drug on a regular daily basis, it would not be surprising to go through withdrawal symptoms when stopping.

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Agree with Carolina. Anything done to excess daily would definitely have an effect if stopped suddenly. I would sometimes be more jittery with going off it than when I was on it. Try to focus on what makes your body feel good in other ways. Getting some sun or going for a long walk usually helps with the Dope Sick feeling.

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Check your water intake for dehydration. Dig into fresh fruits n veggies n cut the caffeine to a minimum. Shower or bathe not too hot or cold to clear your pores so they can release the toxins. Consider a 5 day or week detox to kick start n then look seriously at commiting to quitting for good. Keep your brain. You will need it. Lots of love. Dig in! You can do this! Choose Life! Why not? Lov n prayers. Sky B​:fire:🪶:pray:t4::rainbow::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yes of course there is physical & mental withdrawal from any drug! Once you get passed the physical withdrawal then the mental withdrawal is the most challenging. That’s why I chose to utilize the programs AA, CA, NA etc., to the best of my ability.

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Yes great suggestion. Any 12 Step or even Smart Recovery Program gives a map n directions, tools, suggestions on how to rebuild our lives without substances or addictive behaviours such as gambling or overspending. We may need a structure to give us a healthy template so that the dangerous obsessions can be arrested One Day at a Time. Please open to your own beautiful possibilities to have a new life free of slavery n insanity. I have it! By the Grace of my HP n hard work. I want you to have it too. You can! Keep coming back. It works. Hugz Sky B​:butterfly::sparkling_heart:🩷:hibiscus::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::fire::pray:t4::coffee::rainbow:🪶

Heard a guy tell a story about coming back into the US from Canada. Customs agent asked him three questions:

  1. Where you coming from?
  2. How long you been there?
  3. Where you going?
    Guy made a point of saying we need to ask these questions of ourselves every once in a while.

Sounds like heroin