Is this considered cheating

So I have been sober from alcohol for almost 5 months, and my Birthday is coming up in a few days. Not looking forward to the cravings. Any suggestions? I intend to enjoy some weed and shrooms, is that cheating in the world of sobriety? I don't feel the magnetic pulls that I do with alcohol with those other substances. Let me know your thoughts.


Perhaps ask the question:

“Why do I feel the desire to “add to?” In order to feel the birthday will be complete?

Are you not enough?
Able to be present, at peace, and content in the moment “without”?

You are an incredible breathing machine uniquely created and not only does the world deserve to experience all of you, but life itself has a funny way of showing us things only seen with clear minds and clear eyes.

Wishing you all the best in life, love, and new adventures on your birthday and the year ahead!


It’s an experiment that might take you back to booze. Weed and shrooms alter your consciousness and lower your inhibitions. Will your sobriety be as important to a high you? Will a high you be able to fight off cravings for booze? Once the high wears off, will you consider altering consciousness with your DOC?

Is an experiment worth throwing away what you have been working hard at keeping?


Here's the thing. We do drink or do drugs because they're effective at dealing with an issue. Someone without a problem with alcohol can drink moderately to relax but then has coping skills to face their issues head on. We have a problem because those substances stop being effective and become a bigger problem. For example, booze may help numb uncomfortable feelings of trauma or grief and the dependancy on booze to deal with issues and starts to destroy your stability, relationships, job, and health.

There is little to no research about therapeutic properties of THC, but there is a lot about psilocybin in regards to treating addiction and depression. Neither are physically addictive. However thrill seeking behavior can against sobriety by principal even if it's not your DOC. Sometimes those in recovery may seek out drugs that were never their DOC before. This is the same for people who excessively workout or take up risky hobbies.

Is your intention for spiritual or therapeutic purpose? Or are you just looking for a buzz? Will weed or shrooms put you at risk for drinking or doing other drugs?

I think that you could talk to a therapist about your intentions and if you do decide to use paychadlics you should process the experience with your therapist afterwards.



What are your attentions?
Is it complete abstinence?
Is it just management for week days?
Is it do to a nudge from the judge?
Maybe a Tickit to save your
If your practicing complete abstinence than that means weekends, holidays etc.
If not well..
Don’t know what to say brother I myself do the best to my ability to practice rigorous honesty.. at least that’s what the program I’m in calls for.
But if you do happen to choose that let me know how it works out for ya.
My thought is that it won’t work out all that well :man_shrugging::hugs:


Personally I don’t feel that it is but it’s all about how you feel about it that matters! I was addicted to heroin for 6 years and I understand what you mean about the pull I will probably still do acid if given the chance and I really don’t think it will make me want to use any other substance! It actually is a big part of the reason I got clean it made me see things in a different way and see myself different! It’s your sobriety tho and your recovery you have to do what’s right for you and if you have any doubt that it will take you where you dont want to go it’s not worth it! I know I could tho without it leading me back to the devil. But you gotta do you boo!


Tbh sobriety to me is to be free of alcohol and drugs. I was even against taking medication that was prescribed to me by my psychiatrist but unfortuently i do need it to function properly. If youre using other substances to replace alcohol, you will end up in the same place. It can be very tempting and theres so many reasons to do something in the name of celebration or the thought of something being fun and harmless. An addicts brain likes to trick and convince us. Wishing you peace

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IMO they are all different highs. Doing shrooms is almost a spiritual experience. It can even be healing as long as it does not become diet. You have to integrate your vision into your life. It’s a telephone you got the message now spend time thinking about it :slight_smile: Alan Watts has some interesting thoughts highs. Oddly enough at the end of his life he struggled with alcoholism. Is it cheating? Only you can decide. You have to answer to yourself.

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Nailed it. So my experiences with shrooms is that they have absolutely helped me both spiritually and therapeutically. I found initially I was starting to smoke as a replacement for the drinking and the shrooms have helped me identify that and have reduced the anxiety that fueled my addiction. A lot more people could benefit from psychedelic therapy. I think I will speak to someone to monitor my progress.

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Doesn’t work with my spiritual condition to consider using these substances.

Sobriety means something different for everyone! You do you and happy birthday. :birthday::tada::balloon:

I didn’t even read pass the beginning and had to stop to tell u 100000000000000000000000000000000% agreed u didn’t even need to go any farther !!! Respect now I’ll read the rest !!! Tony

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My brother Tommy love u man sorry I’m not laughing at u it’s just we chose what we chose not let the hatchew ( excuse) be the reason to use. There going to be so many other days u going to want to use whatver and have a real reason to use but the only thing u need to understand that u don’t get but those who do is it’s a one fight at this moment not to take that one hit that one drink. And Fick it let say it’s my bday girls and u do all that other things witch won’t make u happy anyways it’s not what ur use to what ur addiction love so I guess u just be A year older and still to dumb (plz don’t take this the worng way ) to not get it it’s still controlling you your not control it good luck if u do ship hope all gose well n most of all happy birthday to other year u may even tho u wasn’t going to make it this far but u have so why tho all this work away that gotten u where ur at now

I get it brother
You were replying to Jose’s post.

Well it’s not cheating this is not a competition of who can stay sober the longest. We chose to this cause we lost control of our drinking or using Your here cause you say your an alcoholic so you saying this means your sick. This is a sickness. So if your sick why consume what brought you here. The choice is yours just keep that in mind

Yes cheating. Everything is off limits.if you want to be sober.and if you think you will make it Bach.