
Sober 1y 4m. Not really having a hard time with isolation, but I believe is a bad habit of mine build over decades of B.S. Self love is making a difference no doubt. However it feels that something is missing and am aware that I won't find it in this box.


Hey Mike - First off, congrats on 16 months sober! I didn’t find out the importance of self-love until I got to recovery so it’s great you have that going for you. I’ve also learned that isolation can feel safe sometimes because it’s been a habit for so long. So maybe the “something” that is missing is connection which could in form of people, new experiences, or even just stepping out of your comfort zone. I think coming here and making this post is even a good first step in finding that something. After enough searching, the missing piece will come into focus eventually. Just need to have patience and faith :relaxed:

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It’s really difficult in this world because so many people drink without ramifications. Drinking was not my vice but if I do it it triggers me to want to use blow.

Everywhere you go you see signs of alcohol , it’s on shows and commercials.

If really does feel like the odds are stacked up against us.

I get the isolation thing. I go to work. Gym and home.

I wish I had a solution for you but I don’t.

But I do get it :heart: