It is a long story that I'll tell you about

It is a long story that I'll tell you about in time. But in a nut shell I got my phone taken/stolen lost my numbers and my loosid acct. Info. So my friends :sob: please hit me up its been a really really rough ride.


It sucks to lose everything if you want to talk hit me up

Thanks, you said it, it does suck. I have literally lost it all. Everything its hard

On the bright side it does get better
My drug of choice is meth I have 13 years clean the first 2 sucked but today everything thing is awesome
It is a Journey but well worth it

That's my drug of choice as well.

Congratulations I know its hard to put it down espically when the world around you is crumbling down. Makes you want to keep the drugs as the are the only thing I have been able to count on latley

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But can you count on them it is a temporary fix then hours later you have lost everything again
Do you have local support where you live if not you should find some
Also I don’t know your living situation or location but if you’re area has clean and sober living you should try to get into one for a year it’s structured and made for people in recovery it would help you get over this hard time

Its a miserable way to go ,things out of order,needy all the time, problems and more problems feeding on fermiler, my early sober times worked out that way, Disfunction oozing out of my life, its still Disfunctioninal, but I am able to give it to God

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Hi Kristina. How are you?

I'm struggling but I'm still here and I'm still fighting. Actually maybe today was better than yesterday or maybe I'm making the biggest mistake of my life which is so very possible probable really. Oh boy not so good

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Meth is by far the hardest addiction to quit from what I heard and saw in rehab. Don’t lose hope. Reach out, talk get what ever is bothering off your chest. Life won’t always be down it will get better. Don’t lose hope and believe in a higher power You got this.

It could have been worst. That material stuff will still be here when you are dead and gone. Keep your head up and give yourself a Break :heart_eyes_cat: