It is really going to suck starting over. I just came out of detox, am leaving my 10 year relationship and moving to my first sober house at 43. I kind of feel forgotten in life, I think some people care but it's really hard to tell myself that. Not looking for pity or tough love I just don't want to feel so alone. I'm leaving my 6 year old cat too. This is freaking gut wrenching!!!!!
Age is just a number, I didn’t get sober until I was 47. I almost lost my 17 year relationship and three kids… house, job, dog. I was lucky, and I am very thankful for that, so I can not say I know exactly what you are going through. But…I know it seems like the world is closing in right now. The people at sober living, the people at the meetings you will meet, the community here, we will all help freely as best we can. Just reach out and let us.
Thank you very much it's pretty lonely feeling and feels like my world is either getting larger very quickly or smaller very quickly. I'm sad
I am leaving the toxic job also, what is happening
I get that. It’s a completely normal feeling to have. Just don’t let it fester and give the demon addiction wiggle it’s way back into your mind. Be the warrior you are!
I'm trying just sucks. I have so many butterflies in my stomach. If I get kicked out of sober house I am as good as not here anymore
I dont want to say it but it's true
So there is the push you need. Don’t be fearful, don’t let the demon manipulate you… just do the next right thing and be the warrior you know you can be!
Thank you so much for saying I'm strong I really don't feel it but I like to think it give me a little more courage​:full_moon_with_face:I'm still going to be here through all of this
You will feel it sooner than you think! Just keep being honest and working a program. You got this.
Mindee! We care and we are here for you!! Also remember to be kind to yourself! Building your relationship with yourself is incredibly helpful on the journey! I like to buy myself flowers at the grocery store once a month​:blush: small things seem to make all the difference. You can do this!
Thank you Carissa. One day maybe I'll move to Iowa lol what a weird thing of me to say. I live in PA now. Thank you for saying you care I care about you too the flowers sound nice
Hi Mindee, I don’t know you but I am very proud of you for making the decision to get sober. It’s not easy but it’s worth it! You will have good days and you will have bad days in recovery. With time everything will start getting better and life will feel more manageable. Early sobriety can feel very uncomfortable at first. When I first went into sober living I was terrified about the future. I still get scared some days. But I know that everything will work out ok as long as I stay sober, work the 12 steps, and stay closely connected to other people in recovery. I believe in you!
You sound like one of the wise ones! I remember when I first got sober in 2002, my sponsor asked me if I could stay the heck away from women for at least a year. I felt like he was asking too much of me. But now I realize he was a very smart man and understood that that was what was best for me at that stage of my sobriety.
I spent a great deal of time getting to know me. We don't really have much to offer anyone until we know ourselves and know how to live one day at a time without picking up a drink.
I'm here to tell you that the payoff is fantastic.
Mindee you don’t have to be alone. Surround yourself with good people who work a program, have been to the bottom and will be there for you. Also, do this for yourself! When you are good and sober everything and everyone around that are positive fall into place. The phone can weigh a hundred pounds when you need to call someone but it doesn’t have to. I failed and tried for 3 years before I truly admitted my powerlessness over alcohol and how my life was also managed by drinking. Nothing else mattered. It was my part time job to lie, hide and justify my drinking. Sobriety is so much easier once we stop digging and climb out of the hole. Everyone I know with long term sobriety has succeeded by working the steps and most importantly getting a sponsor. Best wishes and prayers for your success. Sobriety rules!
Mindee, this is probably the hardest thing you will ever do. Hopefully, someday you will look back and say, Wow, I did it, I am living sober! I did it at 64! After 24 years off and on (more on) opioids. I have been clean for 30 months and 19 days. YOU CAN DO THIS!!
Just know you are not alone. You have us! I'm in a similar situation and have many of the same feelings. We got this!
Ah man this is awesome!! What you’re doing is admirable. You’re taking your life back and dusting yourself off. And you’re doing it the right way! I know you said you feel alone but I’m hype for you over here. It’s a new chapter!!
Good for you!