It won’t go away for you bro :yellow_heart:

The self hatred CANNOT go away until you show your self some grace & compassion. Love yourself & forgive yourself.
Self loathing won’t get you anywhere.
I learned from Annie Grace that being kind & patient with ourselves is the only way. Radical self compassion is the only thing that will move you forward.
I have been alcohol free since Aug. 25th & I am loving my life.
I suggest you read her books. This Naked Mind & The 30 Day Alcohol Experiment (both by Annie Grace). She also co-wrote a book about giving up nicotine if you want to give up smoking too.
Good luck!!

David, everyone is different. I know what you're going through. I myself embrace my self hatred instead of fighting it. When I'm feeling low, down, or whatever, I embrace and think of ways to overcome instead of wallow. Hope that helps.

Acceptance that there are no mistakes in gods world . Just practice acceptance until you live yourself again. Start by accepting yourself as you are.

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I love myself but myself don’t love me back. :frowning:

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This is my experience with depression, some of this information may be applicable, some not so much. Just know you're not alone!

Self hatred is a horrible deficit. You must accept and believe that you are worth more than the absence of self. It's not easy to stop digging, at times nearly impossible, but it must be done if you want to find peace/calmness.

Sometimes you will never know why you feel the way you feel. Other times life may feel hopeless and you know why. That being said, you have to believe that you're loved, you must love yourself for what you're worth. Give yourself credit you've made it this far. Don't give up!

Depression, addiction, codependents go hand in hand. Sometimes you've got to step back and just appreciate the little things in life such as sobriety, running water, a good support system, family, friends, whatever you may have just know you're not alone.

Acknowledge the way you feel, but know that it may not be true or even if it is you can make it better a day at a time.

There are a lot of people who are struggling with major depression amongst other debilitating conditions and addictions. Talk to a doctor/psychiatrist/therapist/go to a meeting put in the same or more work that you would have to protect your addiction and keep it going. There's no shame in seeking help. Reaching out can be tough. Give yourself credit, you've aready started the hardest part.

People are here for you. Reach back and help someone else no matter how bad life hurts. Live for helping others. Think about it, by you reaching out, you have helped me. You've let me know I'm not alone. You've reminded me of the worst in me and how it's simply not true, or so I must believe.

Don't be afraid to reach out. Addiction is not your friend. It just makes depression worse in the long run. I don't know your story, but I know that you are a good person. Feel free to message me anytime.

I pray that you may find peace in your sorrow. Put the dirt back in the hole so you may climb out. Recovery takes time. At times it's unbearable. Just hold on and do the next right thing, work the steps and find peace in the moment.

These are just some things to think about, at times it worked for me at other times I just had to hold on and pray. Maybe I'm right maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not alone. And that's worth something. Never give up!



It will pass, just keep trying to make better choices…. Therapy will help you need to talk with someone it helps….Good luck!!

I feel the same way. When will it go away

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Just be as nice to your self as you would someone else


Work the steps, I read al a non devotional, but work aa program.

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A lot of therapy for Me that was the hardest part of my sobriety

You can't think your way into better living, you must live your way into better thinking. Time takes time. When the epiphany happens that you understand these things, you will know you have arrived!

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Time and support

Hello David, Are you a Christ follower? I'm not trying to be pushy but there are a lot of good resources about leaving self hate and shame behind.

I agree with Rebecca, same thing she just told you I was told by another person. It took me a while but once I did just that the hatred I had for myself went away. And I can say it's the another best thing I could do for myself. Another step closer to happiness.

When you let it.

The mind learns by repetition
This is a program of action
What helped me to change the negative self talk and the self loathing is meditation
It allowed me to be an observer of my thoughts and then I could simply change them

It goes away when you flip the narrative. Loathing and self-hatred is what makes you drink/use. Loving yourself and valuing your life with all its flaws is the action that keeps you sober.

Do you believe in a higher power? If so do you believe that your higher power hates you? If you do not believe it hates you, your are putting yourself above your higher power. There is relief in the steps, forgiveness and handing those things to a higher power that you believe in. It takes work but you are worth the work and a happy, peaceful life