It'll get easier... right?

First night sleeping without being drunk... woke up probably 6 times so far and I've only been in bed for about 5 hours. It'll get easier... right?


Yes. It will most definitely get easier. You stay clean for even a week and you'll ultimately sleep way better sober than you ever did drunk. Believe me, I know many a times.

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Sleep has always been one of my struggles. It will be worth it to feel rested after a night's sleep.

I totally understand. Having trouble sleeping because of stress, anxiety, ADHD...? Who knows. But that's a lot of what got me to decide to make alcohol a drug of choice, but the reality is it only made me sleep less with a horrible quality of sleep. Are you going through any alcohol withdrawal symptoms?

Well today is day 2 and so far I haven't noticed anything besides waking up constantly throughout the night. I also have ADHD and anxiety.

It definitely gets better. When I got out of rehab, I slept better than I had in years!! I know restless nights can be maddening, but you can do this!:muscle:t2:

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I am definitely looking forward to getting a good night's sleep again. One day at a time!


they keep telling me that. i’m at 67 days and still feel awful

Hmm... I wish there was something I could do to help you with that. Not getting good sleep at night sucks.

I am definitely ready for it. I got a bit of sweats going on today. Nothing too bad so far... :crossed_fingers:

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Hang in there… when we use we put our bodies through a lot. I know it can be frustrating… but we did damage it’s going to take time and patience to get back to our 100% selves. Don’t give up no matter what. :slight_smile:

We don't get this way overnight. We don't get better overnight. We get better one day at a time. Sometimes one minute at a time. Most people find that once they have been sober for a few weeks they regain the ability to enjoy a full night’s sleep.

Most heavy drinkers who quit drinking find it difficult to sleep during the early days of sobriety. It's one of the most common withdrawal symptoms and one that causes many to relapse.

But remember that alcoholics tend to have short memories in early sobriety too. As we start to feel better we also start to think "hmm... maybe I wasn't that bad."

Try to keep in mind your last drunk. What will you do differently this time around?
What did I learn from my last relapse?

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Thank you guys. I'm getting through day 2... the nights after work are going to be the hardest I think. One day at a time.

TL;DR - It absolutely will.

The first time I quit (this past March) I sweat at night for a few days and woke up almost every hour. It was about day 5 or 6 where it stopped for me personally. After that, my sleep got better, I started waking up earlier and earlier with more energy and focus, and I began to truly deal with my personal stuff.

If this is your first time, know that the first several weeks are likely going to feel emotionally overwhelming and that it is totally normal to feel down and totally out of whack. They don’t talk about this enough for new beginners. You may sink heavily into reality, feel regret, feel sad, and experience a lot of other emotions. But, embrace it all and make sure to journal EVERY day.

The whole point of sobriety is not just ‘Don’t Drink’. It is mainly the act of facing the feelings, memories, and character flaws that we’ve been running from, experiencing the feelings we’ve numbed out for years on end, and then actually working to fix the root causes of why we drank in the first place. When we address all of that and begin achieving goal that are authentic to us, that’s when real happiness comes.

You’ve got this :muscle:t2:

Even a year, two years, ten years in it keeps getting better. Stay connected, reach out when you’re struggling BEFORE you pick up. You’re off to a great start with that