Its a struggle when you're doing this alone. I know

Its a struggle when you're doing this alone. I know I have this group but im talking about friends family in my every day life. Im too scared to admit to them that I think im an alcoholic becuase of their judgements and how they will react around me. So i just feel alone and ashamed. Hope everyone has a good night or atleast makes it through


You don’t have to be an alcoholic to want to quit drinking
You could just want a benefit:
Loose weight
Better sleep
Better skin
Less anxiety
Less drama
More time
More money
& No More Hangovers


You're not alone!!


I understand

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Understandable. Obviously something is telling you it's time to stay clean and sober. That's a huge plus. AA meetings even if just occasionally will help. You'll find others with similar circumstances to talk with. Reaching out here as well is great. Keep moving forward. Only you can make decisions and take actions for yourself. God bless :pray:


I also am alone.

My mom died at 41 from drinking, I was hot on her heels. A voice said in my ear,"Holly, if you don't make a change, you're going to die." Everyone I knew was high or drunk...I had to change my people, places, and things...and never go back to them!! Avoid them AT ALL COST!! So I moved 800 miles from where I was. Drug's and alcohol are everywhere but when your normal people places and things are not there to excite old habits, it makes it easier to change your life and become a new person. I got sober and drug free in 1999 then an old friend came to visit in 2011, I relapsed, one night blew everything!!! So now I have 13, going on 14 years sober. Only by God's grace and mercy!! Love yall, never give up, God has plans for you to prosper, and help someone else with your story!!!!!

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I also moved out of state for 8 yrs before I returned to my home town. Best thing I ever did for myself. Keep going


Well, keep your head up. And that's the best thing you can do is lean in and admit to them yes it's hard but we have to I'm not an alcoholic but I am an addict of thirty three years On this platform listen to jb Benoit The twelve steps isn't for everyone: It's not about the 12 steps much either.It's about reconnecting our Mind.
S with our bodies and leaning in check it out I believe it will help you

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Me too. But I "came out" to my deeply religious parents anyway, and believe me, it took everything I had to do so. My father immediately came down on me like a ton of bricks as expected. But my Mom... she blew me away with her immediate support and kindness.
I also feel very alone most of the time, my best friend is an alcoholic, and I've had to set boundaries with him, it's been very hard. I have a teenage daughter, and her father is also an addict. I've been trying to make up for so many years of unhealthy parenting my daughter has gone through, she deserves better.
Please know you are NOT alone! I have found this app to be tremendously helpful. Just reading about other people's struggles and gratitudes helps me know that there is hope and I'm on the right road.
Give yourself grace, and allow yourself to feel all the feelings, but remind yourself that feelings always change, and they are not who you are.
I hope this has been at least a little helpful, I know it's not an easy road to travel. I'm sending love and light to you, you CAN do this!!! :heart::heart::heart:

Never alone , just need to reach out!! We all in this!!

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You can't fix your problem until you admit you have one, your true family and friends should stand by your side on your journey but you have to do this for you not anymore else, good luck and God bless :pray:

I’m in the same situation. I know what you’re feeling. Stay in touch and we can help each other.

For me I felt loney after the first year. Because the first year of your sobriety is all blitz some kind of a feeling you get inside that is great and then it's the pink cloud and then it says hang in there it gets better in time you'll find people that you like that care about you unconditionally but you got to give the time. I'm in 15 years now. I don't have a whole lot of friends my husband died 15 years ago I feel lonely but I'm not alone. I'll be praying for you to start feeling better about you so you're not as lonely love yourself you can never give yourself is that have a great day Margie

How are you making out now? I haven't been on since last week sometimes. My mom's in the hospital is why.vhowvate you doing? Concerned. :pray::two_hearts: