It's only 9am and I am deading today

I know about 1 out of 100 that have gotten it without going to treatment. As long as I could hope to be that 1 out of the 100, I stayed sick. I personally couldn't, and yes this way is way easier.

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Oh Em Gee I guess I didn't realize that, but see? Thanks for checking me.
And not in a mean way,.just a friendly reminder :slight_smile:
I know.its a we program. And I know I cannot beat this alone.
I don't have a support system outside of group.
My parents are very black & white thinking, no grey area there. They support me conditionally, but they're sick of my B's, yet again
My first IOP I've been in for 5wks and was starting to make connections with my peers and councler it was good. I was staying clean. So I was bummed I had to transfer
I left a DV situation in Sept and that's part of this too, so no partner supply there either.
I found a really good therapist thru my first IOP and I see her Monday so very excited for that.
And have my intake at my 3rd IOP right after and can start classe Tues Evening.
So hoping to be back on track, just literally gna have to try to take today hour by hour, minute by minute sometimes for me
I did go to a mtg Thursday nite, but wasn't a good fit so I'm hoping to make connections and leads there from my new group to try a different meeting. I'm always willing to give anything a try once.

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No this is true AA would be good for her after some clean time
Ain’t nobody from AA ever been to my house at midnight when struggling w going back out

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I pray for your release from self imposed prison🙏
Please do whatever it takes to get clean. I had to lock myself into a detox facility long enough to take away my choice to pick up again, for a short while. To get just enough clarity to fully submerge myself in recovery.
Once I made sobriety my absolute priority, then it got easier and easier

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Not for everyone. I don't attend any meetings for the most part. I've accompanied people to meetings so they're not alone their first time, but never gone to one outside of that.

Now, that's not to say I did it all myself, because that would be ludicrously far from the truth. Just no meetings.

I don't believe there is any one key to sobriety that can be applied to everyone.

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I remember. Great job putting yourself out there

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Smart Recovery gave me lots of tools to help avoid repeated relapse. NA and Celebrate Recovery have given me the tools to keep ot going, growing and stronger each day. Not to mention a tremendous support group. I sent you a friend request. I'll be happy to send you every worksheet that I have. They help. Doing my gratitudes daily has made a tremendous impact as well. Get the help you need. You deserve it. You are worth it!


What are the best apps to help track/guide recovery that you've tried or have worked for anyone? I've literally downloaded them ALL

So I use this app and this app alone. There are other apps that allow you to track each toxin individually. I know of folks who enjoy the Sober Time app and the Affect app. Days, on iPhone, etc. The Phoenix is useful for sober events and activities. I have it but haven't much used it. Everything AA I find useful for meetings and AA materials, same with Smart Recovery app for their meetings and materials.

I attend bout any and every form of meeting as I find them all useful and being sober and disabled, my social life/circles wouldn't much exist otherwise.

Mental health counseling both group and individual are also pivotal for me. My favorite source for this is through the Stephen Cohen Institute for military and military families. Even a grandparent or an aunt or uncle that has served will qualify you. They do not cover all 50 states currently however that list changes regularly. They have tools and experience I don't believe one can find anywhere else on earth, tbh. The services are free and can be done via zoom or even OTP if zoom is not an option. There is generally a short wait and theu can be reached at the number below.

Steven Cohen Institute:
1 (931) 221-3850

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So I heard a message today and the just of it was as follows...

People relapse for 1 reason, because life isn't satisfying enough sober... Until I worked ALL 12 steps and found the joy in the 12th step, I continued to relapse.

I share this because I find it to be true.

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Wow I love how honest you are and were able to get those thoughts out on here.

I'm starting my sobriety to get off stimulants tomorrow and I get the same feelings.
And Im just coming down off a 3 day bender like u