I've achieved new milestone

Here is my sobriety counter
Year : 0 Month : 2 Day : 0


Congrats Thomas, 2 months is a good hurdle. If you got 2. You got at least 2 more. if your attending meeting brother, "keep coming back"

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Thank you brother :pray:t3:

Congratulations! :clap:t3: I am so happy for you, that’s amazing! How did you do it?

Thomas :tada::tada::tada: CONGRATULATIONS :tada::tada::tada:

Well being locked up helped, I can't deny that. Though there was opportunity for relapse within the fascility, I just said. If I can turn it down while I'm in here, when I'm feeling at a low low, and there's nothing but an urge, then I will be able to do this once I'm released and have the means for self obtainment. My family used tough loved the first 10 months and didn't accept any of my calls. Once they began speaking to me I told then I would seek out any and all possible help and programming available to me in order to use the experience to rhat absolute fullest and make sure that not only did I learn my lesson but I would become a better person, accept responsibility for my actions and prepare for my new sober life once I finished serving my time. I now have all of my family back, heck there's even friends that are back in my life now that I unconsciously pushed away while using and because of that, they managed not to be destroyed by the runaway train that was my life during my using time.
Bottom line, the process is different for everyone ok folks, but remember whether you DoC is a bottle, a slot machine, or a bag of something. When we used/use. We gave/give up everything in order to use that one thing. But now, by having given/giving up that one thing, we get everything back and more.
You all can do this, I believe in you.