I've achieved new milestone

Here is my sobriety counter
Year : 32 Month : 0 Day : 6


This is so amazing!!!

Thank you so much.

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Thank you for your inspiration ...wow that's amazing

Wow! Congrats man. I had a hard time stringing 24 hours together for years, now I have over 100 days. An inspiration.

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That's good keep up the good work.

Yes it is.

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You will get there many of us started with one day at a time.

Thank you so much

You're welcome :blush:

How are you doing?

Yes it is.

Keep up the good work.

You are welcome and thank you so much.

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You are a Miracle!!

Amazing!!! A thousand congratulations !!!

You’ve done something amazing, and it’s all you. Keep it up!

Good morning to you and thank you. Remember it will get better at one day at a time.

You will get there but you must stay involved.

Good morning to you. I'm truly grateful and always remember that half of the battle is showing up. Meeting makers make it.