Ive been clean now for 192 days after a 6 year relapse. Its a daily struggle. I still want to use. I think about it all the time.
Yep, the struggle is real keep pushing it gets better congratulations btw that’s is amazing!!
Thank you
One day at a time.
Congrats on 192 days. Keep up the good work and don't give up because u are worth it
Great job I understand
All you have to do is today. Get to a meeting. Proud of you.
Try this, throw yourself into service work with low bottom addicts. This always makes me grateful that I’m sober and kills my desire to use!
Contact H&I. https://www.lahic.org/
You know if you can just get through a little longer it will get easier
Me too. Well only 70 days in so far. We Got This!
It will get better. Keep going keep talking to us, I am here at anytime. I know how it feels
Welcome back we need you here
thank you all. It means a lot.
I'm also on a comeback after a relapse and I struggle with thinking some days, it wouldn't hurt anything, or I wouldn't go over board. I know that's the disease talking, so I admit I'm powerless, and I picked up a hobby and started minding my health more, that's time consuming trying to eat healthy too! LoL anything to divert my attention I finally have the Will power to do! Praying for you!
Keep talking with other sober ppl and you'll be fine everyone has days like that but as long as u keep saying no and staying sober your stronger for it and every day sober is a gift good job using the sober community and if u ever need to talk I am a great listener