I've been kidding myself

I went to rehab again at the end of 2019 to get clean "for good". I stayed clean for a while until I moved back to where I'm from.

I might not be on opiates anymore when people ask.... No I'm just taking the strongest kratom extracts and anything I can get my hands on to fool myself that I'm clean.

I'm not sure there's really a point to this post other than to get this off my chest. I'm considering checking into rehab again if I can.

I'm so over this


Do what is necessary Doug :pray:t3:

Do what’s best for you Doug. It is very hard to go back to someplace where the old you , was once was. You need to stay clear of the once was, and continue the new you. I’m praying for you brother.

The maintenance drugs prescribed for opiate abuse are meant to wean off but many people dont ever get off them. Your honesty is the 1st step

You are absolutely right. I've tried sub, methadone and now kratom.. It just doesn't work.

Thanks brother, I'm planning on going. Just got a few life things to work out to make sure my bills can be paid.


Doug, get to rehab while you still can.
Don’t quit forever. Just quit for today.
One day at a time.

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I watched my son and my husband go to the methadone clinic and then sub dr. But their addictions eventually took their lives. Therapy may help address the psychological dependence but physical is another. Rehabs a great idea, hope you can go

If you're still alive then it's not too late. The first few months are hard, but I didn't get sober til I realized that one drink was too many and a thousand isn't enough, I'm either completely sober or not. For me I can't have any spent 20 years trying to moderate and control my drinking, I can't. I've thought about taking other things but I'll just abuse those as well. It does get easier and better in time.

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I have always been EXTREME in all aspects of my life. Extreme alcoholic, addict, athlete, workaholic etc. Now I’m extreme about my sobriety. There is no middle ground. It’s the only way for me to be truly free!
I’m here if you want to talk.

Kratom withdrawal is something else. Guy in my 2nd rehab had to be tapered off…using Kratom.