I've been told

I've been told that relapse is apart of recovery...?

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It is as much a part of recovery as falling is a part of learning to walk. Dont beat yourself up. You can start forward again.


Thanks for the reply. I like what you said.

It's one of those hard lessons that seems to present itself to some of us, yeah. I envy those who never relapsed, but I also accept that my path differs from theirs. I wouldn't be the person I am now without having relapsed a few times, and I'm exactly in the place I should be in life, so for me, relapse was part of my journey. Hopefully it won't happen again if I work a good program, but I can't predict the future, so all I can do is try to make the next right move, then the next one, and trust that my higher power is working through me in the way it sees fit.

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Relapse is a reality but certainly not a requirement. I've relapsed a few times, but not in over three years now. Believe it or not, relapse actually starts in the mind before one picks up a substance. That's not to say that thinking of using is a relapse though.

There is lapse and then there is relapse. I have heard that “recovery is not linear”.