I've relapsed multiple times and im back to day 1

I've relapsed multiple times and im back to day 1 with intentions to not touch meth again. I hope and pray I get it right this time because I can't keep doing this. I'm losing everything to this addiction. I miss being happy with my family. And my mom has cancer and her dying wish is to see me get clean before she goes. Why does it seem so hard to just freaking not do it?

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You can do it!

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I was in and around the program for 35 years before my life was bad enough to actually change. I was facing a prison sentence and literally had everything taken from me. I got out of jail. I didn’t even own underwear.

I just did what was suggested. I got a sponsor. I go to a lot of meetings. I work the steps. I do service work. I chair meetings. I volunteer at barbecues go to the CSO… et all. you can do it just do it. Change everything about yourself. It’s really not as hard as it sounds. You got this.