Jem (Sober Story)



Thank you so much for sharing. Very inspirational.


Thank you Jem!! Inspiring. I’m so glad to hear that all the hard work is paying off.


Thanks for sharing Jem! Your story will definitely inspire others!


Jem, Thank you for you vulnerability! You story is beautiful! Keep up the good work and the blessing will continue.


Thanks for sharing Jem,
I would love to mentor/speak about sobriety also. I hope you crush that goal!

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You are amazing Jem! I love how you you decided enough was enough, and packed your sh!t up and never turned back :muscle:! Thanks for sharing


you’re amazing!! thanks for sharing your story :slight_smile:

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Strong :muscle:. Sober strong. You’re amazing.

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Thank you Jem I’m balling now so glad you’re doing it.

Jem, thank you for sharing your story. You're an example to all of us. I'm glad you're living your best life. You deserve it. Thank you for your servant's heart. I can't wait to hear about the lives that'll be changed because of you.

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Thank you so much for telling us your story. Together our stories make a Testament to others. They can recover, they are not alone. By sharing you became part of a beacon for others.

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thank you.!!you are a achiever .awesome wow .keep it up.:dromedary_camel:

Ty Jenn ya I’ll have 30 days soon

I cannot wait to be where you are Jem!! But I realize I want to stay grateful through the moments & not get side-tracked. It's a tough road. But WOW, what an incredibly inspiring journey- Thank you! ! :heart_eyes:

Love it! I love to hear success stories like that.

Great share. Thank you.

Nice writing!

Such a great story….thanks for
Read and share….

Thanks for sharing