Just 1 sober day

I have an addictive personality and add to that, a personality for immediate gratification. My attitude and outlook on sobriety is positive in the morning but by evening time everything goes south. I work in the medical field which is stressful enough but that’s no excuse. Everyone’s job is stressful. I knew from the start this will be a very difficult journey. I feel like I’m my own worst enemy. Looking forward to a one on one free evaluation appointment I’ve requested and then help finding good AA meetings.


I too struggle with instant gratification. For me it also goes hand in hand with having my ego stroked. Meetings definitely help bring me down to planet earth. One day at a time is all we can do. We don’t drink just for today and throughout a 12 step program, you can begin implementing positive changes and good habits.

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i do to it sucks huh

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1 day is always better than no days so be proud of yourself. I would try and find some meetings but you can have one with God right now. Never compare yourself sobriety to anyone else’s, no one but you knows exactly what it took to get that day. I’m proud of you keep going.


Congratulations Mindy I’m so proud of you. Focus on today. that’s what I have to do and then when tomorrow comes I focus on not drinking that day.

You are a miracle you’ve got this.

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Thank you, all of you. I really need some positivity and equally, words from others that feel the same way. I don’t feel so alone but yet I do. I’m trying. That’s all I can do.

Yes it really does.

Congrats . For me the 1st day is the hardest. Just about breaking that evening routine.

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Go to that meeting girl.

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