Just a question, I'm 1 week into complete sobriety. No

Just a question, I'm 1 week into complete sobriety. No alcohol, no weed. My question is, would I be endangering my sobriety by using cbd vape pens? It seems to help with my anxiety but i don't want to let it allow me to slide back. Thoughts?

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Hi Kyle, there is a lot of discussion around this, so I will only speak for myself and my opinion. This is something you have to figure out for yourself. Some might find it triggering to use a pen at all. Many others use cbd to treat different ailments and have no issues. Since cdb is non-psychoactive it isn’t directly putting your sobriety at risk, but behaviors associated with it may. Take it a day at a time and really listen to that inner voice.


That's actually an intriguing answer. I do everything to the extreme. I didn't use concentrates when i was getting high, i dont feel i would associate one with the other but isn't it still technically a reliance on a substance?

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Kyle, think you just answered your own question there.


You shouldnt do anything period . Thats not sobriety if your using cbd

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Thanks y'all. I can see this app being very useful.

It depends. I take daily medication for my mental health disorder, so technically I am reliant on a substance, but that doesn’t make me not sober. If you’re using it as an escape then it’s a problem.


So no nicotine or caffeine for you?

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I never smoked..caffeine im fine with….

Kyle, congratulations on one week! My opinion is what others have already said, that you will need to find what is right for you. I don’t think you’re not sober by using CBD. I would consider researching the percentage of THC in the products you use (I think it can say “THC free” even if there is a small percentage of THC). It could be such a low amount that it would not impact you. Just food for thought. I’m glad you joined. I joined yesterday and have found it to be a supportive place.

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I look at this not only an interesting question and was eager to read responses. The biggest thing for me was your desire for sobriety and do the right thing. You could have just done it without question. Welcome to a new way of life. Good luck on your journey. You started at a tough time of the year. The holidays are tough on us people. I wish you the best of luck. We Can Do This. Just remember your never alone!!


Thank you. I appreciate that. I'm trying to talk to people with, with an open mind on these things before making big decisions like that. Others experiences and whatnot. With my extremely addictive personality, it's probably best i just leave it be. Maybe just try some meditation or something.


Have any of y'all messed with healing stones? I know it's a placebo, but do any of y'all have any knowledge or experiences with them? I'm not trying to replace good ole step work and fellowship as my main defense, I'm just kind of into the whole vibe thing. Good vibes and good moods ya know

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This was my statement too. He is my fiancé and I know how he can be. I felt it would make him want something more when he doesn’t need to jeopardize things that he hasn’t already. I felt it would trick his mind. We know the brain can play tricks on you.

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Maybe use the cbd gummies .. or pill form so there’s no trigger :woman_shrugging:

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Good question..

I’ve actually heard a lot of questions pertaining to such.
My answer would be to run it by a professional, one that practices addiction medicine preferably one that obtains some form of credentials (PhD/Dr.)
Run it by your sponsor, if ya dont have one I strongly suggest getting one.

I have epilepsy.. I take anticonvulsants for it.. being that I take these medication I have become dependent in order to not have seizures.
Just like someone having to take medication for mental health issues, I have to take for Neurological issues.. 9 out of 10
Such medication are prescribed and controlled by a physician.

Being that I’m not a professional of such I leave it up to those who are.
It a journey brother but ya don’t have to trek it alone.
Best of luck :hugs:


Hi Kyle. First of all congratulations on your sobriety!

This is my experience…. I run everything by my doctor as well as my psychopharmacologist who is also my psychiatrist.

They are well informed that I am an addict and take that into account before prescribing anything to me.

If you explain you are an addict and they prescribe to you for a medical condition with the full knowledge that you are in recovery then for me (my personal opinion only) .. I would take as prescribed.

I must be clear though that my doctors are addiction specialists so they know what course to take as some doctors believe in prescribing a pill for everything. This is why speaking to a doctor in the field of addiction for me is so critical.

Hope that helped and wishing you a wonderful Sunday!!!

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I vape cbd for anxiety and have no problem with it being a trigger

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