Just as things were going ok

My mother has been diagnosed with two different types of cancer. I’m devastated as she is a big part of my support system. My father killed himself when I was 18.. trying to keep the faith and not divert back to old ways but at this point it seems my life is meant to be filled with struggle

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I'm sorry, this sucks.

Life on life's terms unfortunately means there will be some struggle. We just gotta do our best to not make bad situations worse.

Now it's your turn to be her support system.

Hang in there.


Ugh, so sorry for the difficult news. Hoping it's just a minor blip in you and your moms love and future together :heart:

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I am so sorry that your mom has been diagnosed with cancer.. I have been in similar situations.. she’s going to need you to be a support system for her.. she needs you.. she needs a sober daughter that will be there for her.. life can be quite fucked up at times.. staying positive is everything I matter how shitty things can be.. I dk you but I am 100 percent here if you ever need to talk.. I’m praying for you and your family though..

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Sending prayers to you and your mom :pray:t3:. Stay strong for her and yourself … one moment at a time :pray:t3::pray:t3:


I'm so sorry Brittney. I'm thinking of you and your family

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