Just can’t do this!

High, not able to sleep, have a Lot going on with work tomorrow!! Have a doctors appointment which isn’t smart on my part! I give up!! There’s no point


Slow down. Now start again

Staying sober just seems impossible for me

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It can feel impossible but that's when we need to reach out, which you did to this community. I'm with you, I've been relapsing and getting hopeless. From what I've learned the enemy wants us isolated so he can devour us. Reach out in your local community, NA has round the clock Zoom meetings, and AA meetings are pretty frequent at least 3 times a day in most cities. Find someone that's ready to take on a sponsor, that's what I'm going to try. God moves through people, we need to give him the opportunity to work through them. I'm praying someone will touch you soon. If you want it bad enough you can initiate it.


Hello, sorry you're feeling this way. It does take our bodies a little while to get back on balance and be able to sleep. Some things that help are hydration, healthy food (or at least add vegetable juice to your mix) and exercise (anywhere from walking to lifting weights). Thou can be free from this!

I tried on my own for decades and relapsed a thousand times! I finally surrendered and went to medical detox. Then day 1 and every day for 5 years went to AA, NA, CA meetings, did the 12 steps multiple times w multiple sponsors. 15+ years of sobriety and so happy I’m not effft up and alone.
If I can do it, anyone can do it if they want it bad enough.


Go to detox. That’s a good first step.

I've been there , where everything seems so overwhelming so I just wanted to get high to forget it all. For me the thought of staying sober forever was so overwhelming. That's why we say " one day at a time " for me at first it was 5 minutes at a time . Just try small this advice may be frowned upon but hey if sobriety is too hard at first it's not like we all can't go back to our old lives, it comes a piont where we just won't want to anymore. My last relapse made me aware of how much my addiction controlled me. That's where I experienced "step 1"
Step 1. We admitted we were powerless over our addiction and that our lives had become unmanageable. And I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. You will, one day, have the courage and will power I promise. Try to start small , just for these 5 minutes I won't use, then go to 10, 15 ,20 etc :revolving_hearts: don't give up on yourself, your future self will thank you one day ❤‍🩹


Don't be afraid to look into treatment , I went even after 3 months clean of my DOC because I knew I had some work to do still, and this coming July 20th will be my one year

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There is a point your life gets better. Your mind is just unfortunately hard to say is insane thinking right now. We have all been there. At some point we had to totally surrender and say the drugs and alcohol one. I can no longer drink or drug anymore. Once we have that surrender, we have the opportunity to change our lives.


Don’t you dare give up! Keep trying, you’ll get it. I believe in you. DM me anytime if you want to chat.