Just gathering information here. Wondering if it is true

Just gathering information here. Wondering if it is true that alcoholics need to taper off of alcohol? If so, how much alcohol is considered enough to taper back on? A few people who have been in recovery told me that alcohol is the only addiction that needs to be weaned off from for safety reasons. I don’t believe I can wean off of it. I need to just be done.

Lol. Taper off from poisoning yourself. That’s a new one. Good luck with that. Well, I guess if you are a very heavy drinker there are precautions needed to be taken. Suggestion: find a detox center near you and admit yourself. My experience has always been getting locked up. Lol. Ween real fast that way. Hi ho.

I kinda thought that was ridiculous as well. I also know that I have a problem, but maybe not as extreme, but a problem nonetheless. Addict is an addict. I want to be done. I want control of my life and not to look forward to the next glass of wine. Which is anywhere from 2-6 glasses a night. I want better for myself and everyone I love.

I have about 4 drinks a night but when I broke it down it turned into 10 shots of vodka +- I guess my point is that you drinks may be more than you think. You can look that up to find out. I’m in therapy and seen doctor who says I need medical detox. My doctor did mention tapering as well but I don’t understand he exact science behind that one.

Tapering off is sometimes needed. Detoxify from alcohol if done incorrectly can be lethal. Some detox programs will administer just enough to keep the DTs at bay. If you are concerned I do recommend talking to a doctor. We have a treatment locator in the sobriety help section of the app. There is also a telehelp section that can help with questions.

Alcohol is pretty much the only intoxicant someone can die from coming off of if there body is so accustomed to it. Detoxing off heroine or meth you might feel like your dying but you won't. Only alcohol and benzoyl I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong.

This is what I was told about alcohol. I wasn’t sure how true it was. Is this for someone who round the clock drinks? If so, that’s not me. I do set a limit on how much I have but I find myself wanting more and more. It’s starting to consume me. It has to go. AA is not an option for me. And unfortunately, I can’t let my problem be known to many (if any) because it would complicate my life so much more.

It depends on if you drink every day and how much you drink. I typically would only drink on the weekends so I just quit. I know it's much harder for other people. I still made a complete ass of myself when I drank on the weekends. So much happier with my life now that I'm sober. Best of luck

Zoom meetings.they used to have meetings for people like you .if it is a job problem.look hard for safe meetings.

Not job related but thank you

Working at rehabs, the medical always prescribed Gabapentin to prevent seizures. Never said to taper off. As for me, my body and brain couldn't taper off.