Just got back from publix i had a lady walk

Just got back from publix i had a lady walk up to me and say my name is ? (Forgot name) my husband just died could you spare some money and may God bless you. I said I didn’t have any to spare sorry. Now I’m home and I feel so bad. But i did have 8.00 extra dollars to spare but I didn’t give. I’m practicing being a better person and I feel like $hit now because I didn’t give. Please give me your honestly input please.


Maybe you did help more than you know. You don't know much about her situation and sometimes money can do more harm than good. Also you can still give by sending positive thoughts and energy and healing over her situation.

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Thank you for sharing :pray: Praying for this woman and her situation and for her to be provided with what she needs


Thank you Cassi I appreciate you tonight.

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Thank you Kyle I actually just got done posting on your board lol That was great timing.

9x's out of 10 she tried to scam you. Don't let it get to you.

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Thank you 2B I appreciate that i got tested quick with practicing empathy.

I want to say that not giving the people money is ok but also feel the uncomfortable feelings and process what it really means. I have times in my sobriety where something unexpected and on the spot throws me way out of whack. Like I'll get super unregulated. But I reflect on it and how I responded and try to slow down next time. Usually I panic because it's a flood of uncomfortable feelings I wasn't expecting. But it's a part of rewiring our minds and coping with situations while in sobriety.

I'm not sure if that made sense but your story reminded me of my own experience and I definitely got flustered and thought about it for a while so I completely get it.

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Accidentally deleted my entire profile -_-

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Thank you Aili I’m sure God will bless her moves,I just didn’t want to support her habits. I’m nobody fool but my heart went out for her tho.

Heart strings

If you don’t mind what does that mean my first time hearing that one

They pull on your emotions. Not saying she was.

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Sounds about right Alive