Just gotcha on my mind i lost a good friend

Just gotcha on my mind i lost a good friend 2 months ago due 2 overdose...he was everything i wanted in a soulmate...ig good things come n they go...but im still :walking_man: strong ill be 8 months clean next month


My condolences. That's tough. :heart: Congrats on your sobriety! 8 months is awesome!

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Sorry for your your loss. Stay strong and continue on your sobriety as you have been doing. Somewhere down the road of life you will meet and you will find that one who can fill the void in your life. You will know then the one that’s gone sent him with love.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I am sorry for your loss. Keep strong it is what he would have wanted for you. I know it is hard but you can make it.

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I'm sorry :cry:

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Sorry for your loss

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Thank you so much i :cry:cried reading this​:muscle:

And yes you are :muscle: In mind. In body. And in Soul. Just Believe in yourself and stay focused. :blush::+1:

im so sorry for your loss. congrats on 8 months! your a rock star!

I hope your doing well and feeling better. Stay strong :muscle: Stay sober​:+1:

How have you been Lexy?