Just out of rehab

And I’ve already broke over,I’m shaking I’m so scared and embarrassed I don’t know what to do


You gotta fight , I know it’s hard . It’s like your literally fighting yourself but don’t be to hard on yourself . As long as you try and get back up and take it one day at a time that’s all you can really do .

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A meeting?

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You got this. I got out 5/13/23. Sober 37 days now. Did the rehab not prescribe meds to stop alcohol withdrawal tremors and a seizure medication while there? I’m on 7 meds and was just diagnosed last month with bipolar disorder.

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Do ANYTHING but use. Go for a walk, call a friend, listen to music, read a book, go to the gym, volunteer somewhere, go to a meeting, clean, etc…

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I live in a rural area I found one it’s just on Thursdays tho

I’m fight through I went to the doctor this morning he gave me some meds.. thanks for the support everyone means a lot

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Don’t give up!!!

Im not sure how to do online meetings. In new to trying to be sober
Im still fighting it I’m going to try and work tomorrow I just hope I’m not struggling to much

The mind is a powerful thing. I know it sounds corny…. But it’s real!! If you want it…. You can do it.

Checkout the sobercast podcast. Great recovery stories

This link will help you find meetings. It works on both cell phone platforms.

You aren't the first one to recover from addiction. We don't get this way overnight so we don't get better overnight. But I can tell you that things really do get better if you take it one day at a time.

I hope you have a sponsor. If you don't, you need to get one as soon as possible and get into the steps as fast as possible. Getting through the steps is the solution. It was for me, and I'm coming up on 9 years in July. This app is great for moral support, but it is by no means a solution.

Get phone numbers of people with long-term sobriety and use the heck out of them. We have a saying in AA...
Meeting makers make it!

You got this!

Make a meeting, Andrew. Make two. Those who make meetings straight out of treatment statistically do much, much better than those who do not. And when you are at that meeting please, please raise your hand and say “I’m new and I need help.”

How about zoom meeting? They do help

I really agree with Dave., get a sponsor ASAP even if it’s one you read with over the phone on FaceTime., it so important we get working on those 12 steps… the steps to recovery and much much more…….

I really want a sponsor just not sure about how to find one sorry I’m so ignorant to all this stuff