Just struggling, feeling lost

I just woke up this morning feeling so lost. I’m not sure if I’m lonely because I started a new job where I work from home alone most of the time, or if I’m in the beginning stages of a depressive episode or what’s happening, but I feel so sad and upset today. My head is just swimming and I can’t turn it off. I guess if people just want to share some encouragement that would be nice. Thanks.:pray:t2:


I created a checklist of encouraging things to do when I'm in my head like reading, jogging, listening to positive music, getting around sober like minded people. The idea is to have a lot of options so you can choose one based on your mood. I'm early in recovery so I don't have all the answers. I hope this helps. You are not alone.


When working remotely, I always found it helpful to work from a Starbucks or book store, library etc 1-2x a week just to get out and get some interaction


Perhaps you just need a healthy routine and rhythm with this new job, change... You got this Allie!


For me, getting out to meetings, especially service work & volunteering always dissolves the depression.
Being alone too long in my head is a shiiiitttt show :blush:


Hi Allie. I work from home and I am soooo lonely. Working from home is really hard for me. I go to two AA meetings a day just to be around friends. Lol Reach out anytime. If you want to chat on the phone, sometimes shoot me a message, and I'll share my number.


Hey there I work solo in a semi truck can get in my head a lot but always have people to talk to and chat with I’m happy to give you my email or number trying not to be weird about it if you or any one needs someone to text or chat with let me know


Hello, how are you feeling now? Do you have any meetings near you? You can go and socialize with the fellowship and some girls and Recovery???

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Thank you. That is a good idea that I’d like to put into practice. Wishing you all the good things as you navigate early recovery

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Thank you for your thoughtful response. I agree, a new routine for a new lifestyle makes a lot of sense!

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Thank you so very much Kathy, I’m glad you get it! Nice to be validated that way.


Thank you!

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I went to therapy at 4:00 and it was the best thing I could have done for myself. We worked through how I was feeling and some of my fears about AA, and together we picked a cool meeting where he felt I’d meet some likeminded folk. It gives me hope.


Good idea to get to meetings. As many as possible. Women’s meetings if they offer them too. It’s a great place to find camaraderie.


So true !!! Been there.


Hang in there. When you’re not working, go out for a walk or just go somewhere, it helps.I’ve been there and it does get lonely but you have support here and hopefully some friends :blush:


Alone shouldn’t mean lonely


That’s so freaking amazing. I’m so so proud of you.

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Thank you for telling on your disease. It wants to make us feel alone and isolated. I found a good way to combat these negative thoughts first thing in the morning is by being grateful. I share gratitude with others in recovery. I also read 12 step program daily reflections which help me get in the right frame of mind to tackle my day. Starting a routine and sticking with it has helped tremendously. Good luck

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Working from home is bizarre. Regardless of that, you need to exercise. Make it your one main goal for the day. 1 hr each day. Resistance one day, aerobic the next. Don’t stop. Shoot for the stars

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