Just wanna know

Why do ppl just think it's ok to treat you with a lack of respect and consideration and that you suppose to be ok with it. Or ppl can hurt you and because you don't speak it's suppose to blow over and be ok. I thought proper communication is a big key to a positive relationship whether it is friend family work or free time.


I don’t understand it either. Just left a relationship in which I was being treated in ways I thought I’d never put up with. I finally had enough and walked away. Nobody deserves to be treated with disrespect.

Good for you.... I did the same thing

Something I recommend everyone learn early on in sobriety is how to find a voice. We teach people how to treat us. If someone feels they can come to you with a sideways disposition and you don't stand firmly for yourself, you've taught them that it's acceptable behavior. Find your feet. And stand up. Then use those same feet to begin walking away from people who only intend to take advantage of who they thought you were in the past. Over time this gets easier and eventually people realize that you're not one to be manipulated emotionally. But it all has to begin with you standing firm on how you expect to be treated. Respect is never given but always earned. Made folks earn yours.

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