Kratom is POISON

Kratom is highly addictive and it will take over your life. The withdrawals from kratom are miserable, awful pain. If you have used enough for long enough, the withdrawals are similar to opiates. Physical and mental agony.

Because I am a person who has a substance abuse problem, I should have never used it. It will lie to you and make you think things that you wouldn't normally, very similar to opiates. It's also NOT a healthy substitute for any other drug. It is serious and it is mentally and physically addictive.

Just wanted to spread the word about how addictive Kratom is and how awful the withdrawals are. Kratom is usually not understood well. So, I'm just trying to do my part and help others.


I've heard this many times over. I use to work with the stuff a long time ago and hated just touching it. Keep spreading the word man. :pray:

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I used Kratom extracts initially a few times a week, then every day for over a year. Stopping using was several days of bone chills, sweats, fatigue and constant anxiety and panic attacks. The acute withdrawals for me lasted about a week before I could actually function and go to work. I'm still going through PAWS (post acute withdrawal symptoms), like depression, anxiety and cravings.

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I've only ever heard about it, no experience with it. A guy at work talks about it constantly.

Thank you for this! It’s def misunderstood and glorified as it’s advertised as a legal pain reliever (and even an alternative to coffee) and people who don’t do their research take it, and back it as a miracle drug(much like they did with OxyContin :thinking:). It works on your opioid receptors. The same as any opioid would. Which means it’s addictive, and like most things, your body gets used to it so you have to steadily increase your dose to get the same effects. It causes physical dependency and when you try to stop after a period of use you withdrawal hard. I would take it when I couldn’t get drugs Bc it would keep me from getting sick. I tried to use it to quit drugs but Without a solution it’s just another substance that keeps your mind in the cycle of addiction. Instead I found the 12 steps and have 10 months sober. This is something that needs to be heard in the recovery community for sure! It’s not an answer but another problem!


Very well said! I totally agree with everything you said there! It has the ability to make you very, very sick. The withdrawals are debilitating. It is a very serious drug that needs more awareness. Thank you for contributing to this post. If it helps just one person realize how awful it can be, it's worth it.

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