Landed My Dream Job

There is no way I would’ve been able to get my dream job if I wasn’t sober, but years of hard work and consistency has rewarded me. I am so grateful :heart:


CJ congratulations.
And what is your dream job? Don't leave us hanging.

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Im an auditor for criminal investigations :nerd_face:


Heck yeah. Congratulations. My dream job was 37 years of law enforcement.
I'm very proud of you.


Thank you so much!!

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You are welcome very much

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Congratulations :clap:
I'm working towards being able to get mine. I'm going to college for my BA in psychology on my 2nd term now.
It's great that we're able to enjoy life


Congratulations! How inspiring and awesome! :sunglasses:

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Awesome congrats

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Congratulations :confetti_ball: what an inspiration

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Congratulations! Hard work pays off. You deserve it!

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Well done CJ. I can only imagine what a fulfilling job does for one's outlook and sobriety. Congratulations!

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Good deal!

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Congrats CJ!! That’s awesome!

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That’s incredible! Sobriety truly opens doors to the life we deserve. Your hard work and consistency are so inspiring, congrats on achieving your dream job!

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You have worked hard to get to where you are. You deserve it! Congratulations :balloon:

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Congratulations, your Worthy of it

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Congratulations! That is awesome. I am so happy for you!!

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