Late night cravings

I feel like I’m two steps from taking a drink and I can’t seem to stop the feeling that I need to.


Hope you beat those cravings a couple hours ago

Check 4 things.. are you hungry, angry, lonely, tired

Michael is right those are the most common triggers ..

I hope you made it through your night ok. Even if not you can still start over. I've been trying since the beginning of August and slipped(?) at least 3 times already. Back at 9 days today....again. my infamous number of days is 10. We can do this together!
There is some helpful medicine for alcohol craving as well if you wanted to go that route.
Reddit also has some helpful stop drinking sub reddits if you'd like one more way to get support of your phone. When I'm having a problem I just post it here, there or both.
I know it is hard I'm struggling right along with you.
Keep hanging on :purple_heart::two_hearts:

I have cravings bad almost everyday but I don’t use over them… you got this… it gets better I promise.