🦋Life can look so different in just a few short

:butterfly:Life can look so different in just a few short months.
Keep going​:butterfly::pray:t2::crescent_moon:


160 days is an eternity for a guy like me! I couldn't go 16 hours without a drink, let alone 16 days! Congratulations on your time! I remember celebrating my 3 months, then 6, then 9. After completing the 12 steps I started stacking weeks and months rather than counting the minutes and hours!! May God continue to keep you sober and safe! :pray:t2::muscle:t2::heart:



Thank You Andrew🎉

True statement!!

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It Really Is🌸

Two months has made a world of difference for me. The little things (not losing it for beeing late for my poison), and the big things (my life to be there for others) Happy independence from your drug! Enjoy!

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You are so right & recognizing the difference yourself is so awesome, @ times I was my biggest cheerleader & that by itself i realized that’s Growth✝️

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Isn’t that so true?

Now you have a bunch of cheerleaders behind you

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