Loosid Sober Tip of the Day April 17

The power of the pause.

Many times, when emotions run high, we are very tempted to act out. We may refrain from the drink or drug but may act out in many other ways.

When you are in these situations, know the power of inaction and the ability to pause.

You may want to send the angry text or email or tell off someone in person or over the phone. Whenever you find yourself in these situations, PAUSE.

Does it need to be said? Does it need to be said now? In 12 step programs we ask our higher power to direct our thinking as to the next right thought or action.

This ability to restraint of pen and tongue is one of the most powerful tools you have. Use that tool whenever you need. It’s always there.

When you find yourself agitated today, or are not sure what action to take, PAUSE. Ask for guidance and direction. If you don’t have a higher power, call a friend who is in recovery and can identify.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I practice this when driving it really works. I hardly ever use my horn now lol


Hello Fernando!

Morning everyone! Hope all is well... This is a crucial message and it evolves as we log time. In the beginnings it is about learning how to be proactive not reactive. When mindful of this in any given situation (people, places, things) this includes, self :grin: everyday. We will begin to understand acceptance, tolerance, we will glean wisdom. This puts us in a place of peace and serenity. Resiliency; the ability to bounce back in the face of adversity. In early recovery it is about doing whatever it takes to stay sober off drugs and/or alcohol. Later it becomes more about protecting our serenity. This was composed/w all due respect, of my personal opinion through my experiences. Have a great day folks, :v: out!!

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People, myself included, need to put this into practice when viewing social media posts. The world would be a much better place if we did.

What a great reminder, something I needed today.

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This is so true and so hard for me to do in the heat of the moment. I'm really grateful for reading this message this morning. I've been in a funk and because of that have said things, sent texts and emails I shouldn't have and acted in ways I really don't want to. Thank you for opening my eyes again to this important message! God bless you all :pray::innocent::pray:


...your reply made my day, I’ll try it when I’m driving!!!...peace...

I really like developing this quality in myself. I like that’s it’s part of my sobriety and I how it’s helped me cultivate my dignity again.

It’s a process! You won’t always get it right. But what you can thank yourself for is for noticing things in hindsight, after they happened (instead of continuing to blame others, for example). That’s one step closer to doing it better next time.

Kendrick taught me to sit down and be humble. I use this in situations where I need pause. I have a tendency to get angry. The years I ran the streets I lived by you ain’t got to like me but you got to respect me. Being a brawler was all I had. No I have to pause so I don’t act on this character defect.

Great post. My triggers are internal rather than external, meaning that I think more about drugs and alcohol when I'm angry or sad than when walking past the liquor aisle in the store.

"...we pause when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action."

--AA, pp. 87

This a perfect message for all people. I have God in my life. You have to discipline and train yourself to not taking action. Write the letter or text, but don't send. Better yet, write it in your daily journal. Journaling is an effective tool, in my opinion. I've been Journaling since a child. So pause and not be heard. That works better than the havoc a angry letter, phone call, or text. And you'll feel better too.

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Makes total sense! Great tip!

Wow, I really need to try this. GREAT MESSAGE

I needed thissssss

This is a strong message GRAPE :grapes: