This reminds me of a friend who isn’t one of us and would ask me why I get so crazy when I drank?
It’s been nice to share with him my experiences with alcohol and recovery as he’s not judging me rather more curious about why I did what I did.
Another beautiful experience with those who don’t know why their loved one does what they do, I have a sponsee who’s mother reached out to me via email. She was concerned about her son. She’s also grateful for my service and support towards her son. I owe it to the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, chapters 8 To Wives and chapter 9 the family afterwards. With these chapters we can give a suggestion to read these to family members. Also can suggest Al-Anon.
Being kind and loving towards those who don’t understand is really the best way. I was able to shed some light by suggesting a few simple steps for them to read. I recently received a reply email and they have been reading the big of Al-Anon. Which is giving them a new outlook on what they son is going through and how they can be of service to him and they own boundaries.
When we do the work we learn to cease fighting anything and anyone. If someone doesn’t understand that’s ok. We don’t always have to be the one to explain it. Point them in the right direction, books, apps, social media or meetings/groups. This way we don’t have to have an argument with someone about something they don’t understand.
I’ve tried to explain to my mom and it just doesn’t work. So I stopped talking about it and started showing them by living the program.