Loosid Sober Tip of the Day April 23

How do we get back our self-esteem?

This is a very common question with a very simple answer.

In our active addiction, self-esteem is one of the first things to go. How do we gain back our self-esteem? By doing esteemable acts.

Focus each day to doing an esteemable act. Reach out to a friend who you know is struggling and simply let them know you are thinking about them and they are not alone.

Go up to a homeless person an offer to buy them a cup of coffee or sandwich if you can afford it.

Ask the cashier at the store their name. Wish them a great day.

We tend to severely underestimate the power of simply recognizing a person and acknowledging them as an equal. Why? Because we are all equal.

Little acts of self-esteem will build momentum. Before you know it, you will be beaming with self-esteem.

How did this tip resonate with you? What are 3 esteemable acts you can do today?

Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :heart::pray:


This is working for me, I’ve all ways been nice to people do the foundation is there, I just couldn’t ask people anything out of the ordinary due to two things anxiety and attention span😞 I’m much better now, in fact you can’t shut me up, I’m getting happier you the letter as I type! I’ve learned that if your really nice and patient and share what you think and share your frustrations not direct anger at telephone help desks not only do the do a great job for you but it make you feel better about your self, after all we’re all connected so basically your being kind and understanding with yourself


I am driving patients to and from Dr’s appointments. Hopefully make them feel relaxed in doing so.


I love this! And it really hits home for me today!


I like this tip, but for me in a steamable act needs to be more than just saying nice things to people. For me I needs to be really doing substantial, meaningful work, both for myself and other people.


I see people who say we must practice self love to stay sober, but for to often self love and our self esteem is destroyed by what we see in the mirror. Our own view in the mirror is not what others see it is what we have looked at under a magnifying glass. To practice self love sometimes we have to practice self tolerance first. Tolerate our flaws long enough to love our good. When we esteem ourselves as lower than we are we must learn to climb. I like the idea of doing esteemable acts.


I have to keep remembering to ask my Higher Power, "How can I be of service? How can I best do YOUR will?" Shifting to this internal stance is often the only thing that saves me from a mental/emotional shit spiral.

"To be helpful is our only aim."

--AA, pp. 89

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Today I can buy my neighbor some groceries, show my moms some love and get the rest that I need for the day. :yellow_heart: thank you. :pray:t3:

Wow, this one hit me , I used to be very helpful until one day I felt like I was taking advantage of but not realizing that my addiction was pushing everyone away including my family. But now that I'm in recovery and also reaching out to friends who are struggling I didn't realize that I m helping again, and my family is coming around once again... Thank You for the message

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