Loosid Sober Tip of the Day April 3

Action, Reaction and Inaction.

We often think we are responsible for our actions.

Remember, at any time, we are responsible for three things: Our actions, our reactions and our inactions.

Ironically, inaction is often the most powerful.

This may mean restraint of pen and tongue by not sending that nasty text, email or phone response to someone who hurt you.

It may also mean sitting quietly with yourself and observing your thoughts and settling your mind.

Actions and reactions are very powerful as well.

Write down your actions, reactions and inactions from the last day. Then take an inventory to see what inactions were not useful and should have been acted upon.

Do the same for actions and reactions. You will get better each day. It just takes a bit of practice.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Yes, we can only do us and focusing on others just takes away the energy better used on our own growth.

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Wow. Perfect read for me today. I am thinking about inaction now and am I counter I just had

So true!

Sounds like our daily reprieve practice. 11th step…
For me it’s a few questions on page 86 of the big book.
Start reading from the bottom of 85 to the top of 87. This is what we should be doing if you’re an alcoholic of my type….

When we retire at night we constructively review our day. Were we resentful, selfish, dishonest or afraid? Have we kept something to ourselves which should be discussed with another person at once? Or are we kind, loving and tolerant? What could we have done better? Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time? Or were we thinking of what we could do for others, of what we could pack into the stream of life? But we must be careful not to drift into worry, remorse or morbid reflections, for that would diminish our usefulness to others. After making a review we ask God’s forgiveness and inquire what corrective measures should be taken.

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This reminds me of a book I just read called the Four Agreements.. a great read for all... Especially those in recovery.

Wow I wish I could cut and paste this and put it on my meditation board for myself. That was very very well written and helpful

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Awesome post❤️

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The inaction part is so important!

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